Mission Statement
The Transnational Government of Tamil Eelam (TGTE) is a political formation to win the freedom of the Tamil people on the basis of their fundamental political principles of Nationhood, Homeland and Right of self-determination. At present the Tamil people have absolutely no prospect of articulating their political aspirations or of exercising their fundamental rights in their homeland itself. The Sri Lankan government, through legal impediments, military occupation and murder is strangling the Tamil people's aspirations and their political rights.
In this context, the Tamil Diaspora, an integral part of the nation of Tamil Eelam, utilizing democratic means in their respective countries, establishes the Transnational Government of Tamil Eelam (TGTE) as the highest political entity to campaign for the realization of the Tamils' right to self-determination. Since it is impractical for political leaders and people in Tamil Eelam to participate in the TGTE, only those Tamils in the Diaspora are elected to the TGTE through democratic elections. The TGTE will work hand-in-hand with anyone working for the well-being of the Tamil people in the island of Sri Lanka, including the political and social leaders of the people in Eelam. TGTE undertakes following tasks:
1. Uniting all Tamil entities and elements who subscribe to the fundamental tenets of Tamil political aspirations proclaimed in the Vaddukoddai Resolution, which was subsequently endorsed and mandated in the general election of 1977 and in the Thimbu Principles in 1985.
2. Working in partnership with the Tamil leadership in the island of Sri Lanka, considering that the political policies and aspirations articulated by the Tamil leadership at consecutive elections in 2001 and 2004 were strongly endorsed and, thereby mandated, by the Tamil people, and other groups that support and advocate for the realization of the Tamils' legitimate political aspirations to regain their sovereignty and the right to self-determination;
3. Articulating positions for negotiations with the Sinhala nation;
4. Establishing direct links with foreign Governments and other international organizations;
5. Working for the social, economic and cultural well-being of the more than one million members of the Tamil Diaspora;
6. Building a political program with the participation of Muslim representatives, taking into account that the diversity of Tamil and Muslim regions has been used as a threat in the past against the realization of the Tamils' right to self-determination; and
7. Performing such other tasks as may be necessary to promote the interests of the Tamil people in the North-East of the island of Sri Lanka and the Tamil Diaspora liaising with international nongovernmental organizations and international organizations to ensure that the Tamils' physical survival is guaranteed; to stop the sexual violence against Tamil women; to stop the physical abuse of Tamil children by the Sri Lankan government's mono-ethnic armed forces and ensure their speedy reunification with their families; to ensure the return of the thousands of Tamils held in internment camps to their homes and to bring to justice those who have committed genocide, war crimes and crimes against humanity.