TGTE calls for referal of Sri Lanka to the UN General Assembly

TGTE calls for referal of Sri Lanka to the UN General Assembly


Mr.Manickavasagar made a submission on behalf of the Association of Tamil Students of France and the Transnational Government of Tamil Eelam, TGTE, welcoming the High Commissioner’s report on Sri Lanka, he pointed out how the High Commissioner has ​​decried Sri Lanka’s slow progress on its reform pledges in his report, and ​said that the government failed to adopt a time-bound “comprehensive strategy on transitional justice,” and called on the council to continue monitoring Sri Lankan compliance with resolution 30/1 of October 2015.

The report expressed particular concern that the government had not even begun preparatory work on establishing a judicial mechanism with foreign judges and other judicial officers, one of the four transitional justice mechanisms under the resolution.​

Mr Manikavasagar pointed out how the victims have been patiently waiting, for the last 18 months, ​especially the mothers of missing persons, the widows, the orphans, and were hoping that this Council will ensure and deliver justice and accountability with a strategy on transitional justice.

He noted how Foreign Minister of SL Mangala Samaweera, in his address to the Council only two weeks ago, spoke of the 69 years of effort by SL at “nation building” had been a failed experiment, and an era which needed to be ended.

Mr.Manikavasagar reiterated that a home grown mechanism to implement the 30/1 resolution in full, will fail again with further deliberate delays to confuse everyone, especially the other 37 co-sponsors, who supported SL in good faith.

Mr.Manikavasagar felt that the Sri Lankan government was not serious with this UN Human Rights Council, and to build trust for an environment for reconciliation, they could have used the presidential decree to pardon and released the prisoners of war, the political prisoners, repealed the PTA, reduce the presence of the military and released all the civilian lands and homes.

He urged the council that there must be consequences for non-compliance and there should not be further extension of time to SL. The member states need to support the OISL report and the HC’s report, and refer SL to the ICC and to UNGA, to safeguard the relevance and credibility of the august assembly.

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