Eelam Tamil “People’s Movement for Referendum” Initiative Launched, Calls on People to Join


NEWS PROVIDED BY Dr. Kumuthini Kunaratnam, People’s Moment For Referendum April 25, 2023, 22:17 GMT SHARE THIS ARTICLE

Appoints Dr. Kumuthini Kunaratnam as Coordinator of its Canada chapter.

Our People’s Movement’ initiative is an exciting and important solution-oriented initiative that is the call of the hour for Tamil Eelam supporters and allies to join, support & help make it a success”— Dr. Kumuthini KunaratnamTORONTO, CANADA, April 26, 2023/ — A new initiative called “Peoples Movement for Referendum” has launched, and it calls on Eelam Tamils, allies and others worldwide to help it realize its solution- oriented objective: to promote international referendum as the solution to the Tamil National Question in the island of the Sri Lanka.

All six major Tamil organizations in the U.S. are in agreement that referendum is the way forward, TGTE Prime Minister Visuvanathan Rudrakumaran said.

“The call of the hour is for the Tamil people to demonstrate to the international community that the Tamil National Question should be resolved through referendum.”

The “People’s Movement for Referendum was created for this aim. This timely new initiative builds on growing consensus among the Tamil Homeland and Tamil Diaspora that the Tamil National Question should be resolved through an internationally conducted and monitored referendum, as demonstrated by the passage of resolutions to this effect by both the Northern Provincial Council in the island of Sri Lanka and by the Tamil National Assembly in India.

The Movement for Referendum is active and thriving. Within the past two months alone, the People’s Movement has hosted two virtual meetings–one on March 19th and another on April 9th–with notable discussion panelists, and appointed Dr. Kumuthini Kunaratnam as Coordinator of its Canada chapter.

The campaign is in the process of filling other positions and invites people to join its growing initiative. In order to send the Peoples Movement political message to the globe, the initiative urges Eelam Tamil and ally organizations to hold mock referendums at the end of all events, sports meetings, and village get togethers. The Movement especially encourages that referendums among the Eelam Tamil People be held on May 18th, marking Mullivaikkal Remembrance Day, on a huge scale in Canada and Great Britain.

It is encouraging that international referendum has become a talking point both back home and, in the diaspora, today, said the Peoples Movement for Referendum.

“Our ‘People’s Movement’ initiative is an exciting and important solution- oriented initiative that is the call of the hour for Tamil Eelam supporters and allies to join, support and help make it a success: by both mainstreaming international referendum as part of Tamil National Question conversation and ultimately by achieving the internationally conducted and monitored referendum that the Eelam amil People want, need, deserve and are owed.”

Contact Info: Dr. Kumuthini Kunaratnam Coordinator for People’s Movent For Referendum, Canada

Email: Dr. Kumuthini Kunaratnam People’s Moment For Referendum